Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Essential Question

An Essential Question is a no-one-right-answer question. It is the question you will support from your reading and research. The question to ponder for the current unit is:

Read Hoover's quote at the bottom of the blog. Was he correct? Or, did President Franklin Roosevelt effectively address the Great Depression with the New Deal programs? Click on Comments and post your response below.

The Great Depression

A picture is worth a thousand words. Your assignment is to examine the 1930's Depression Era through pictures and by reading actual life histories of people who lived it. Follow the link "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime" to the Student page. Scroll down and read the directions given. Everything will be completed electronically. Save all work on your flash key.
Your task:
1. Select two photos and complete two Photo Study guides from the Student page.
2. Select one life history and complete the study guide.
3. Research New Deal programs using the Internet, textbook and other sources. How did the New Deal provide social, economic and political assistance?
4. Combine all of your research into an essay or other creative product. Include causes of the Great Depression as they affected your life history subject. Explain how specific New Deal programs affected their life circumstances.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Summer Reading

Have you read a book during your summer vacation? Write a brief reflection, 2 or more pages, word-processed, and receive extra credit on day one of the school year!

Book must relate to something historical but may be fiction or non-fiction.

Fiction Ex: Killer Angels, Red Badge of Courage, Night John

Non-Fiction Ex: 1776, 1968, Founding Brothers, Profiles in Courage, any biographical books, Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, Devil in the White City

Reflection is NOT a book report. State the basic premise, place in time setting, main characters, etc. Then, reflect upon the authors thoughts and your reaction to the book. Why did the author write the book? What did you know about the topic prior to reading? Did the book add to what you already knew? Did it change what you knew? Epand and explain your thoughts.

Reflection is thinking about "why" not repeating "what."

Readers are leaders!

Welcome to the Kingdom of Learning

Welcome students and parents to my new blog in the fascinating world of history. I look forward to meeting each of you as we begin an exciting new school year. Five new, enthusiastic social studies teachers have joined the PHS staff. Check back soon for more information.